Thursday, January 10, 2013

Homework sucks!!!

Bam is in the 2nd grade. Every Monday he brings home a homework packet that is roughly 8 pages, front and back. You'd think it was a 1,000 word thesis on organic chemistry the way he fights doing it.

And it's driving me insane.

He seriously spends more time whining and asking if he can take a break than he does actually doing his homework. True, it's nothing new, he fought kindergarten homework when all he had to do was a color by number and some shapes. Anyway, I'm a yeller at heart but don't want to be so I will plant my ass at the table with him and quietly threaten him until it is done and bitch and moan to my blog. Grrr.

We were suppose to attend XMA class at 4:45. I actually ironed my own uniform and put it on as I was going to join the class with him today. That didn't happen because he went into a mood swing that included yelling and crying and throwing himself on the floor because he didn't want to go. I called the Sifu (teacher) and even he tried talking to Bam. So here we sit, at the table, and it has taken him four hours to do about 30 minutes of homework. *sigh*

He has 1/2 a page left. I think he has forgotten that I told him that as a consequence of not going to karate he was not playing Minecraft or watching YouTube for the rest of the night. In about 20 minutes, when he finally finishes the homework and I remind him that he isn't playing Xbox or watching YouTube tonight, all hell is going to break loose. But I will remain strong and not give in. I won't, I won't, I won't.


Thank God dinner is in the oven and tomorrow is Friday.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth???

How many times should a mother ask her children to do the same thing before she can reasonably start screaming like a banshee? Seriously, sometimes I wonder if I'm even speaking English. Maybe I just start rambling in tongues when I start asking my children to do something for me and don't realize it. Maybe they are partially deaf and honestly can't hear me. If that's the case they aren't lip readers either because most of the time they're looking right at me as I ask them for the 4th, 5th and 6th time to please brush their ever lovin' teeth!

Boy, this has been a Calgon-get-me-the-hell-out-of-here-day. I hate bedtime, grrr.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

It's quiet so why can't I sleep?

It's 12:01 am. The roar of the children quieted as they dropped off to dreamland one by one about 2 hours ago. I was drop-dead tired while they were demanding my attention.

What is it about the suddenly silent house that wakes up the exhausted mother?

Monday, June 25, 2007

You're getting sleeeeeepy....

It's 11:16 pm. My 2 1/2 year old son is still awake.


He took a perfectly reasonable nap today from around 2 pm until 3:30. Then the babysitter took him to the swimming pool when I went to class at 5 pm. I picked him & MB up after class about 9:30. They were running around playing with the babysitters 3 kids. Like I said....

what....the... hell?

I totally don't mind that the sitter didn't lay them down. School is out and I told her not to worry about it, if her kids were up let mine stay up.

why isn't he tired?


Now I'll be up WAY too late just to savor a little bit of quiet time. Hm, I could get my Geology homework done. That's what I'll do. At least he's quietly watching Cars in his bed.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

It's 10:40 pm, do you know where your sanity is?

Why yes I do. It ran screaming from the house, pulling its hair out, about 2 hours ago.

My 2 1/2 year old is the epitome of "terrible twos". His sisters NEVER acted like this. He's a maniac. He's finally asleep. Shortly after 8 pm he passed out on the floor after an all-out, 30 minute scream fest. Being the good momma that I am, I proceeded to gently undress him and wash his filthy face and hands. He immediately woke up. Pissed. Then he decided to be awake and happy. I was exhausted already. All I wanted to do was read the 4 chapters in my Geology book that I need to read by tomorrow in peace and quiet. Yeah, that didn't happen.

Isn't it amazing that these little people that we love with all of our hearts can also drive us to near nuclear meltdown?

His 5 year old sister also just fell asleep..."There's noooooo moooooorrrrrrreeeeeeee schoooool!!! Why do I have to gooooooo toooooo beeeeeeeedddddd?!?!?!"

Argh. Ugh. Omg I'm tired.

I don't want to read about plate tectonics now. I'm not going to. Instead I'm creating yet another blog. A place where I can come and rant about the OTHER side of motherhood. A place where I can wonder just how the HELL the human race has managed to way overpopulate this Earth of ours. Anyway, I think I'll just go to bed.

But first, I'm sneaking some Oreos.